Her Most Famous Painting (Big Raven) – Emily Carr

Harmony Cardenas

Described as ‘Canadian Icon,’ painter Emily Carr (1871-1945) was a writer and a leading ‘Expressionist,’ whose works often carried the shades of ‘Impressionism’ and ‘Fauvism.’ She pioneered the artistic representations of Canadian native life, mostly through landscape art. Carr infused life into her art through bold and visionary displays, with […]

Philosophy of High Noon

Harmony Cardenas

The movie “High Noon” has interesting comparisons to the philosophies and views of Kant. While many will say it can mirror the philosopher’s views, particularly through the actions of the lead character Kane, this paper will analyze the interesting and somewhat contrary view by looking at the actions of Kane’s […]

Why You Should Take a Safari in Uganda

Harmony Cardenas

Uganda is a small, land-locked country in Eastern Africa. It borders Kenya, Sudan, DR Congo, Rwanda and Tanzania and is home to one of the most diverse landscapes in all of Africa. Within Uganda’s borders lie lush mountains, vast lakes and dry grasslands that teem with all sorts of wildlife, […]